Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Love of My Life the Second: Human Friends

Lest There Be Any Confusion...

I fear that in my zeal to convey the passion I have for my diet soda that my human friends may have been depicted poorly. Allow me to clarify.

I have never been very good at making lots of friends. People don't really flock to me as I come across as too dorky, too abrasive, or too sexy (maybe?). I would say that I am in many ways a shy person. I spend a great deal of time observing on the sidelines before I can really dip my toes into the confusing pool that is a new social environment.

Luckily for me, I have the world's greatest friends. When I moved to Boise, I worried that I would never be able to have girlfriends again. Though I fear I am slowly infiltrating the lives of the defenseless females of the state's capital (you know who you are, and you had better brace yourselves for a full-on attack), I know that my life's true friends--the female loves of my life--have never stopped giving me their love and support. I miss them every day.

This post is dedicated to the love I have for them, and more importantly, to thank them for the love that they give to me. It has meant so much more than I can explain, and I know that I have only been able to make it through some incredibly difficult times in my life because of their contagious positivity and faith. They have always been there for me when they know I have needed them, and even better when they haven't known how much I needed them. I love you ladies.


Ali said...

Definitely because you're "too sexy"...

I know our face to face bonding moments have become extinct since our days in Rexburg, but please know the highlight of my freshmen year was hanging out with you and steph face. Your humor, charm and wit made me feel very lucky to be counted as your friend.

Plus, I'm sure boys thought I was more attractive because I hung out with someone as stunning as yourself.

Ali said...

And while we're being completely honest, you're a super smart person and I found myself intimidated to try and speak for fear that I would sound like a third grader in your presence. That's a compliment. Thanks for accepting me - poor grammar and all.

B said...

I don't really know how to respond to this lovely post. One of my first thoughts is that is a good picture. Thanks! Also let me say you know how dearly we love you. You have been there for me through some really important turning points. I hate that you are so far away but I love that we have the kind of friendship that we do. Thank you so much for everything you do and all the good times. Also thank you for this post.

melissa said...

i know it took me a full 12 hours to get over your sexiness before i dared be your friend.

rachel garber said...

please attack me with your friendship! I am sadly alone in this world . . . this world called Boise.

Andrea said...

i was definitely intimidated by your overt sexiness... it's so intimidating =) i'm so glad we share an office. what would ta life be like without becca? (i should start preparing myself for the fall...)