Tuesday, February 27, 2007

our new addition

marriage and graduate school.

although both are exciting ventures that have both shaped my life for the better, it had never struck me that both would increase my book ownership two-fold. i have been grateful for the books, don't get me wrong. however, in our five hundred square foot apartment, every bit of space counts, and our books seemed to be taking up every nook and cranny.

so, we struck a deal. i would save all of my tutoring money and good daugther money (from bart... because i'm a good daughter) until i could afford a new book case. in return, jesse would assemble said bookcase and make me the happiest wife in the world. for those of you who witnessed our previous clutter, i am proud to present our less cluttered world!

this is the old set up. all books seen in both pics were once exiled to this small set-up. you can only imagine the carnage that was our organizational system...
here is our new book shelf. she are pretty, eh?

p.s. this one's for you, mom!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pain and Basketball.

So, Jesse enjoys playing basketball on a regular basis. Historically speaking, I have been ok with this. However, recent events have led us to see the darker side of basketball. While innocently participating in a pleasant game of basketball last week, Jesse was viciously attacked by a random, middle-aged man. A man who, despite not even having the ball, carelessly (or maliciously) thrust his elbow into Jesse's face, spawning wave upon wave of blood and pain. It's true, he broke his little nose. Don't worry, the middle-aged man left the court immediately, offering no apology or sign of remorse.

It will be a little bit before Jesse will play again...

Moral: never trust the man, the middle-aged man, or sports involving any kind of thrusting or flailing of limbs.

Icing his nose the masculine way.
Icing his nose the way that I suggested--this didn't last for very long...
The day after. If you don't feel sad after looking at this picture, you don't have a heart.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The H-moon

So, I have about a million things to do for school today, I am in serious need of going to the gym, I haven't even showered for the day, and I have work in a couple of hours. One may wonder, "well, how do you plan to reconcile these priorities most efficiently?" The answer is quite simle: I am going to somewhat update my blog.

I was going through some pictures this morning, and I got particularly excited about looking at our honeymoon pictures. It was three months ago, but I felt like reliving it today. We went to Seattle for the short H-moon, and we had a gay old time. Our entire trip consisted mostly of eating (since the wedding was over, I felt justified to do nothing but eat all the time and to eat absolutely whatever I want), but we ended up doing a few things that justified the occassional picture... Most of them are of us eating or at restaurants after having consumed food. You get the point...

Anyway, we won't be leaving the house for quite a while, so I wanted to illustrate that we occassionally travel.

You can't tell, but we are in front of the book store I will own one day.
We don't really have views like this in Boise.

Pike's place. Looking at food.

Waiting for food.

I took Jonesy to a basketball game. I tried to act interested, but let's face it, the only interesting thing are the people that come out and jump on trampolines at half-time, right?