Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Greatest Love of My Life

(author's note: this post was, in fact, created on Valentine's Day. However, due to technical difficulties, this is the first opportunity I have had to actually post. Please forgive the time delay).

I know that I have blogged about Jesse quite a bit, but I am particularly proud of him today. And, since it is still Valentine's Day, I feel at total liberty to take a moment to reflect on what a lucky young lady I am to be married to him.

Lately Jesse has kept himself very busy. In the past six weeks he has applied to pharmacy school, started his final semester of college (taking enough credits to finish his BS in Political Science, minor in chemistry, and pre-pharmacy prerequisites), started up a BSU pre-pharmacy society (he's also the president), worked part-time as a pharmacy tech, and received two pharmacy school interview offers!

Not only is he an incredibly hard-working person, but Jesse is in every way my complement. He keeps me grounded when I tend to panic. He makes me laugh when I have no intention of finding certain situations humorous. He always tries to do what's right, even when its inconvenient for him and seemingly unnecessary to me, but his example of uprightness is so incredibly inspiring. And, perhaps most significantly, he joined me in ordering take out food and watching Lost tonight when he probably didn't have the 45 minutes to spare (not the most important thing in the world? Well, you get the point).

Jesse, I really love you (and I don't care who knows it). Happy (late) Valentine's Day, everyone.


Stephanie said...

i am impressed by people who can juggle so many things since i cant seem to get dressed before dinner time most days :) this was a great tribute to a great person from an equally shining person (did that make sense? take home message- you are both fabulous and i dont care who knows it).

B said...

I am with Stephanie! I love you both!

melissa said...

oh man, sometimes those wasted 45 minutes ARE the most important thing, says the girl who is newly engaged to the boy who works like 35 hours a week and is going to school and has a sunday-consuming calling.

Adam & Jetta said...

Becca-- I somehow stumbled across your blog this week, I have to say that the wedding pictures you have posted are some of the best pictures I've seen in a long time. I LOVE your dress :)

Andrea said...

aww... you two are so cute =) and you're the only couple i know who would give up mcdonalds for lent.

Bulbo Loamsdown the Old said...

I am glad he is taking good care of my little sister (otherwise I WOULD have to break his arms)