Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Love Time

Tonight I have a few different loves I want to share with my loyal readers in the blogging world.
1. I love when my feet really hurt after a good run. See, running and I have a rather troubled past. I have never been athletic and have always HATED running. I associate it with the realization of my inadequacies, a consistently failed attempt at a hobby, and a terrible side ache. Though I have really worked to regularly exercise over the past few years, running was not an option unless it was accompanied with cable television on some device in the gym (most frequently the eliptical, more recently the treadmill). However, after a few weeks of really ghastly blood sugar levels, I decided it was time for a change. I joined a running group with a couple of my friends in the MA program, and I have pathetically tagged along for the last few weeks in their disciplined runs approximately four times a week. To make it more interesting, my sister, Jil, and I have decided to run a 5K together when school lets out in May (I know, it's a weak run, but it's huge for poor little me). I am proud to announce that tonight was my first 5K practice run. Sure, it took 35 minutes, but I couldn't feel any better about it. Unfortunately, my feet have felt better.

(These are my new, and terribly cute, running shoes all tuckered out after our big day. I finally feel that Babe is applicable to my life. I have the strange urge to bring them a pail of slop, pet them, and say, "That'll do, pig. That'll do.")

2. I love these two.

If you watch Lost, then you know why. I would just like it to be clear that this week's episode almost made me cry (and by almost I mean it totally did, but I'm going to pretend it didn't so Jesse can't bring this up later to embarrass me). If you don't watch Lost, please get out as soon as possible and rent Lost seasons 1 & 2--yes, both at the same time. That should last you about a weekend or so. You can thank me later.

3. On a slight tangent, I do NOT love realizing that I left all of my necessary books in my office on campus at 10:30 at night the evening before I am starting a new unit with my students. It will be an early day for me tomorrow...


Stephanie said...

perhaps your running shoes are also adorable because they are so tiny (piglets?)

i laughed out loud (yes, LOL) about that Babe line. you will always be one of my very funniest friends.

i feel we share a common love/hate with running. i love the idea of it, the after glow, the results, but find myself wanting to vomit in the nearest bush after two minutes of a brisk jog on several occasions.

ah, more of this please. i cant seem to get enough.

Unknown said...

Your absolutely hilarious! And way to go at attempting the 5k run. I don't think in anyway you should be referring to that as a "weak run" quite honestly I would say that is an exceedingly HUGE accomplishment. Running can be incredibly harsh, and it takes a lot of work to build up the endurance to run that far! So props to you little missy. You rock!

Also about this show Lost, when the dreadful day arrives that there is no more 24 to behold. I will see what this show Lost is all about. Anyone who once had a Jack Bauer addiction as I do now is definitely a trustworthy friend of mine. So you now have my attention.

PS. I agree your shoes are terribly cute. But then again so are you, so it all fits wonderfully. :)

Anonymous said...

I watched some of lost last night at the gym. I must admit I was intrigued and I felt the stirrings of an obsession begin.

rachel garber said...

YES YES YES!! I am glad somebody loves Desmond and Penny as much as I do! I could care less about the Kate and Jack "maybe we'll love each other one day but last week's flash forward bodes badly" type ordeal that goes on. Even though the time warp thing blows my mind, I do love them!!

P.S. way to run. I can't run to save my life.

Ali said...

I'm considering naming my son Desmond. Okay, not really - but like you I was in tears. I didn't realize how "in the moment" I was until Andrew started laughing after I said, "How beautiful" three times straight.

Oh man. Congrats on the running. I don't know if I'll ever have it in me.

star said...

Most impressive Becca! You inspire me!