Wednesday, October 3, 2007


i'm so excited that i squealed when i saw a commercial FINALLY announcing a date for the new season to start on bravo.

i really hope this means that heidi klum is pregnant again.


Talia said...

YES!! I freaking love this show. I hadn't yet heard the "release" date, so thank you! I hope theres another Santino, Jay, or just someone as equally...we'll i'm sure you know what I mean! Thanks again!

melissa said...

i audibly gasped. thank you for finding out before me and telling me.

i forgot to mention i don't have bravo, but someone will be recording every single episode for me.

remember how i don't like tv? oh i love this tv show.

Stephanie said...

i know- when i saw the commercial i sent out a text to my friend and told my mom. cant wait!