Wednesday, September 26, 2007

inaccurate cross-section of american culture?

i'm hoping that my itunes spying on campus in no way reflects the true musical tastes of our society. finds so far:

ace of bass
iron maiden
vast amounts of kanye west and missy elliott
blink 182
sugar ray

do people really listen to these on a regular basis?

in other news, i quit my job (well, put in my two weeks' notice).

in other other news, i am attempting to find meaning in finnegans wake for tomorrow's presentation. pray for me.


rachel garber said...

which job did you quit?

B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B said...

what is wrong with ace of bass?

melissa said...

ok you two, it's ace of base. but SUGAR RAY??? that's worrisome.

huge congrats for "qitting" your job. it's such a good feeling to know when you only have one monday left at a job, ever.

also. i'm reading the satanic verses, so i think i feel your pain with finnegan. best of luck, but didn't you really like james joyce anyway? hopefully that helps.

Stephanie said...

good luck finding meaning in finnegan's wake. i had a professor who was very dry and old and had a large belly (i loved him!) and that was his favorite book. i would give you his number but then you might be on the phone with him for 2 years and that would really interfere with your marriage.

yeah, and furthermore, sugar ray??? (I agree mellie) i didnt know ANYONE including their own record label still listened to them.

haha ace of basE. perfect.

boo face mcjones said...

that spelling doesn't make much sense to me. ace of "basE"? i know it's technically correct, but it has absolutely no musical connotation, and i'm having difficulty really undertanding the purpose of "base" in a band name. is it perhaps that their music reflects the mundane society in which they live? perhaps that they place playing cards in the foundations of their homes? anyone?

star said...

Stephanie, I laughed so hard at your comments about a certain professor! I shared it with Jeff, who also got a good laugh.

B said...

So funny story. If you will notice I deleted a comment right above the comment I made. that is because I spelled it ace of base and then saw becca's and assumed that I spelled it wrong so I deleted it and changed it. Man I wish that I had my own identity and wasn't so easily tossed by the waves of social pressure.

Ali said...

Are you on the job hunt or do you have another lined up? I am a few posts behind in your blog, so I will be playing catch up for the next few minutes. The good news is, we no longer live in the dark age! We got the internet yesterday. Miracles still happen. Best of luck!

boo face mcjones said...

details on the job:
i am actually working two jobs in addition to going to school right now. i am teaching at BSU as well as working in the hospital. i thought i needed the hospital insurance, but it turns out that my coverage as an employee is actually worse than what i get from being a student. and i hate the hospital. so i quit. one week to go.