Tuesday, October 30, 2007

i'm only 30 days behind

this week is surprizingly light (which means that the upcoming weeks are most likely going to be certain death) in terms of schoolwork, so i decided it was finally time to fulfill my tagged obligations set in place by my dear friend ally flegal nearly a month ago. i was tagged by said dear friend to complete a survey about my husband. although this could be potentially embarrassing, i'll do anything these days to claim i have female friends, so here it is:

my husband

what is his name?
jesse arin jones (aka jonesy, honey, jester pester chicken molester--i didn't make that one up, you can credit his brother--or kitty)

how long have you been together?
it will be three years in march and a year of marriage coming up on november 18!

how long did you date?
we dated for approximately 1.8 years pre-marriage

how old is he?
jonesy is approximately 24.3 earth years

who eats more?
jonesy eats more in one sitting, but i constantly eat all day long, so it probably balances out.

who said i love you first?
jonesy. it was quite cruel, actually (but in a romantic way?).

who is taller?
HAHA seriously? that would be jesse by a long shot

who sings better?
well, jesse's voice warms my heart, but he is slightly tone deaf (not that i'm a regular britney spears or anything--i mean, i could never produce anything as brilliant as "gimme more")

who is smarter?
jonesy. in fact, i think he has been surprized by how unintelligent i can be at times since we have wed. luckily i bagged him before he caught on.

who does the laundry?
me. i love it. you would have to rip the (warm, deliciously fragrant) laundry out of my cold, lifeless hands.

who does the dishes?
usually jesse, but we try to share.

who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
i don't know what that means. jesse sleeps on the north side of the bed, and i sleep on the south side of the bed. also, our bed faces due west, if that helps.

who pays the bills?
that would again be me. i'm kind of a control freak.

who mows the lawn?
HAHA. again, seriously? who has a lawn at this point in their life (please don't answer if you do have one, because that would depress me). jesse is in charge of sweeping off our porch and killing all the spiders out there, does that count?

who cooks dinner?
usually mcdonalds. occassionally me. even less seldom jesse.

who drives when you are together?
whoever forgets to dibs out of it. which is usually me, but then jesse kindly retracts the dibs and allows me to ride shotgun like a true lady.

who is more stubborn?
i'm going to say jesse, because he keeps glancing at my work, insisting that i change my answers.

who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
well, i'm never wrong, so i guess jesse?

who kissed who[m] first?
tricky question. i refuse to answer (it was me, but it was a really long time ago--think 2002--and i was just out of high school, and jesse was really cute, and i had all those weird raging hormones they talk about in health class, and i was really confused about what was happening to my body, so i can't be held responsible for that (obviously). the second time we started dating, jesse kissed me first, so technically the answer should be jesse).

who asked who[m] out?
jesse asked me out. he's a gentleman.

who proposed?
that would be jonesy. however, i would be somewhat inaccurate if i didn't indicate that he certainly received a great amount of gentle prodding from yours truly.

who is more sensitive?
me me me me me me me me me me. why? what is this question implying?
also, jesse makes fun of me for crying at just about anything (church talks, queer eye for the straight guy, rory gilmore's high school graduation)

who has more friends?
i probably have more "friends" but jesse has more friends that actually spend time with him on a regular basis. i have cyber friends.

who has more siblings?
me. jonesy has but one. i have five.

who wears the pants in the family?
think of me in the right leg and jesse in the left. it's like a more advanced (and difficult) version of the three-legged race... but with two legs... well, four, but we're pretending to have two, ya know?

i would like to tag:
stephanie robertson, talia douglass, and angie rice


star said...

Yay for a new post! I've been checking and anxiously awaiting your next clever post. This was a good one! I find talking about husbands to be an extremely interesting and enjoyable topic. We always think our hubby is the best. Isn't that how it should be? I love it! I also like seeing what we have in common. I cry all the time too. You can mark be down as one of the female cyber friends because technically, we have never met and we don't really know each other, but we are friends. Thanks Stephanie for bringing us together!

Andrea said...

becca! i made a blog... well, technically, i "restored" a blog, since i made a profile about a year ago to leave my friend comments on her blog while she was a missionary/ youth hostel volunteer in holland last summer. anyway... so now i can leave you obnoxious comments in two places! =)

Suzie Koskella said...

Hey it is me Suzie I saw you had a blog, I added you on mine!! You are so cute!!

boo face mcjones said...

goodness gracious, i am overwhelmed with all of the new friend comments! i'm so excited all of you are here!

star: i am also indebted (yet again) to stephanie for bringing us together. i'm so glad that we can be cyber friends!

andrea: i couldn't access said blog from your profile. what's the deal?

suzie: i see that jacob is being particularly handsome, as usual. i'm excited to check your blog and see what's going on across the street!

melissa said...

phew, you're back. light weeks in school are sometimes scarier than busy weeks (the eye of the storm, so to speak).

Stephanie said...

oh man, i was already tagged for this by ali i believe and i just got done doing another tagging... maybe i will take your route and wait a month or so... all this tagging is starting to tire me out. i'm sweating and feeling sore.

that weaseling aside, i love the answers to all of these and am glad to be one of your cyber friends.

Ali said...

So worth the wait. I was laughing the whole way through this post! I especially liked the "who sings better" answer.

B said...

I want a survey done about me! Don't worry I will create one for you. and then give it to you to fill out and then pretend to be surprised and a little embarrassed when you actually do it.

boo face mcjones said...

oh, bitty. i would be crushed if you did NOT create said survey, and even more so if you didn't pretend to be shy upon my answers. please survey post haste!