Thursday, April 2, 2009

the truce

dear spiders:

it has recently come to my attention that you may not understand our living agreement.

when we moved in, we created a barrier with the door to the haunted basement. we set a few traps at the top stair, weather stripped the bottom and vowed to never cross the boundary. it was not unlike the sonic fence in LOST.

since then, we have not disturbed your half of the house, save when jesse has popped down there to add salt to the water softener. an unbiased party would surely agree that your half of the home looks eerily like the basement in evil dead. yet, honoring the truce, we have left it undisturbed.

when your vagrant members have violated the agreement, we (jesse) have killed them. one by one. i don't mean to brag, but i do mean to emphasize the measures we will take to enforce the peace.

so, you can imagine how alarmed i have been over the last two weeks to find four of your clan's members in our territory, most notably the three i have found in the shower far too early in the morning.

i know that your calendar may have told you a few weeks ago that it is "spring," and you may feel entitled to roam about a bit (no doubt you have experienced cabin fever). but i drove in a blizzard to work today, so that argument simply will not stand.

in short, if you continue to violate the truce, i will sic my barely awake, irritated but lovingly brave husband on you. and he wields a mighty shoe.

offendedly yours,


Minister of Chainsaws said...

I knew we should've just wallpapered over the friggin' basement door. Seriously, though... if they keep breaking the truce, I'll have to sic the smoke monster on them (aka a fog bomb).

(So... I know the metaphor lines us up to be the Dharma Initiative, but I SOOOOO want to be Richard Alpert, so I'm going to manipulate the whole thing.)

Adam & Jetta said...

Eek!!! Although how can you be sure there isn't a nice friendly specimen? Wilbur and Charlotte became great friends. Maybe it's time to open your heart and give peace a chance?

Diane said...

Apparently the giant ones with striped legs (they get HUGE) are supposed to be good because they aren't aggressive towards humans, AND they eat hobos (still creepy because they look just like hobos other than the stripes - and who wants to get close enough to look?). So lots of spider experts say you should let the stripey legged ones be free.

I still kill them anyway.

Ali said...

You are such a great writer.

How amazing is Lost? I love Wednesday.

Kodie said...

Parker just told me this morning, "Spiders are my 185th most favorite animal." Me: "Is it because they are creepy?" Parker: "Yes."

Andrea said...

bleh spiders. fetal position. sobbing. that's my defense mechanism.

Jones Family said...

Haha! That is hilarious. You are too funny. I am also having the same problem. Those darn spiders!