Wednesday, February 25, 2009

viva la vida

there's a hill on my way home every day. i'd estimate it's about fifteen blocks from the freeway exit to my street. if fate is on my side, i can put my car in neutral when i exit the freeway, weave between traffic, hit the only stop light and coast all the way to 10th Ave. when it happens, it is absolutely exhilarating and the perfect ending to my commute.

that happened to me yesterday.

alright, here's where i try to force a metaphor between this and my life (be ye warned).

i love when i have days like that. i wake up early, my hair looks good, i like something i wrote at work, i go to the gym, the sun is still up when i get home from work, jesse miraculously has no tests/quizzes/homework due the next day, perhaps an episode of LOST is on (did anyone watch tonight's episode? DUDE). it's wonderful.

today wasn't one of those days. it wasn't a bad day, mind you. more things went right than wrong, but i was tired. on my way home, i made it about seven blocks, anticipating my only obstacle: the red light. i slowly pushed the brake, thinking that if i spaced it out enough i could still make it--even if i made the turn at five miles per hour. when i finally stopped at the light, i realized i had a choice. i could either accept this as defeat, or i could decide to make the most of it.

when the light turned green, i decided to give myself a boost and accelerated for one block. i still coasted several blocks before i turned. and you know what? it still felt pretty good. so today i have decided that i still prefer when the stars all align, but it's alright to push a couple of them around if necessary.

and, because i never have pictures, feast your eyes on these handsome boys (and me).


Diane said...

I love, LOVE the bottom photo. Adorable.

Ali said...

Lost! OH MY GOSH. Becca, I love that show. My favorite part is when they show the previews for the following week. SAWYER seeing Kate again. Oh man and how creepy is Ben?

In other news, I loved this post. Your nephews are way cute and like I said before, are so lucky that they have you in their lives.

rachel garber said...

I am stoked to see Sawyer again, I've missed him. I love him. DID NOT SEE THAT COMING WITH BEN! I always want to believe he is good . . .