Monday, February 16, 2009

do you long for true love?

was your valentine's day filled with romantic getaways, expensive chocolates, three dozen red roses, one carat solitaire diamond earrings and a romantic dinner with candlelight and violin players?

mine was better.

road trip to boise with the husband, screaming nieces and nephews, a few hours at the mall, tacos with the family, and the blessing of a sweet new baby.

it may not be on any kay jewelers ads, but it was wonderful.

hope everyone else had a LOVEly (see what i did there?) weekend.


Jones Family said...

Sounds perfect! Who needs all that mushy stuff anyway? Mine included cleaning the house all day then seeing Chez for a half hour at midnight when he finally got into town. He gave me a box of chocolates which is all I wanted, and we went to bed!

Audra said...

Your Valentine's sounded LOVEly!

melissa said...

happy is as happy does. oh boy, forrest gump supplying valentines day motto? yikes.

jana said...

Congrats on being an auntie thrice over! And I'm glad your Valentine's Day was so wonderful. Miss you.

Unknown said...

you braved the mall on a holiday weekend? you are brave!

and it's practically common knowledge that "every kiss begins with..." taco dinners!