Friday, August 10, 2007

some things never change

i heard this song on the radio today, and it changed my life. again. it's one of the many tunes that makes me wish that i were an alto, irish, and in my own rock band. however, i am glad that i am no longer in the nineties.

i dare you to listen to it without singing along. it's impossible.


melissa said...

oh, in your head in your heeeaaaad. i loved the cranberries. what is it about her voice? they were my first "into music for the love of it" band, probably (excluding paula abdul and ace of base).

Stephanie said...

always a favorite as well and i remember first hearing it at a 6th grade birthday party of one of my friends and thinking, "this is what i need to be listening to." (as opposed to my mariah carey cd i had purchased out of confusion and ignorance of what else was out there besides the punk rock and hippie stuff my sisters listened to).

Grifter said...

This song has played in our home everyday for the past 2 years, courtesy of Asher. She's a Cranbs nut.

Not that I am complaining. I usually join in on the bridge and start trying out my celtic yelp.

melissa said...

and some things do change...i like the new digs. clean and clear.

star said...

One of my first CDs was also Mariah Carey, Steph. Hahaha!