Monday, May 7, 2007

we must use windex

while enjoying a lunch of leftover Italian food and gilmore girls, jesse and i were surprised by a sudden *BANG* on our window.

we then watched a very confused bird fly away.

he sat perched outside on a telephone line with a somewhat dazed demeanor for about, oh, ten minutes (long enough for me to snap a candid shot from our living room window). i can't imagine the headache that comes with flying full-force into one's window, but i am quite certain that it puts a snag in one's afternoon.


Stephanie said...

haha! i don't really blame him (or her...) leftover italian food and gilmore girls sounds delightful.

melissa said...

I wish I could have watched with you instead of all alone in my house, all alone.

boo face mcjones said...

come over! we watch everyday at noon!

Ali said...

I have a sad confession... I've never seen an episode of the gilmore girls. I'm still watching Full House re-runs. Ha. We don't have a tv in Deutchland. That's probably a good thing. you're hilarious