Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's March 15 Again

It's hard to believe that it's been four years since Cameron's been gone. I won't say that it seems like yesterday that I gathered in my parents' bedroom with a host of loved ones around as my dad told us all over the phone that he had been killed. It doesn't. I'm a different person now than I was then. That day changed our family entirely.

However, I suppose it's easier to say that Cameron doesn't feel distant. I like it that way. He's missed the births of five new Davis grandchildren. He missed my wedding. I suppose you could say that's missed a lot--I know that we have certainly missed him. But his sense of humor, his little boy charm, and his huge heart have always been a part of us.

I think that these pictures of Cameron best depict what I admire most about him. They were taken about ten years apart, but they both depict exactly who he is.
These pictures show how over time, despite all of the challenges in his life, Cameron never lost his sense of who he was, and is: a goofy kid who loved a good baby, a good laugh, and a good family.
For those of you who knew and loved Cameron, my heart goes out to you today. It's hard every year.
And to Cameron: we all love and miss you every day. especially today.


Stephanie said...

I have been thinking about him and the Davis family all week, and maybe it's just the hormones, but those pictures made me cry. I think of him like that too. I'm glad I got to meet him and that you and your family are a part of me. Love you.

Ali said...

I know I pop in and out of your life at random moments, but I want you to know that I am a huge fan of your blog. Your wit and humor astounds me. You are so articulate with your thoughts that I am intimidated to write to you because I don't want to make a typo or grammatical error! Also, your tribute to Cameron in this post was beautiful and moving. Much love, Ali Mays Flegal