Monday, March 28, 2011

How to avoid being a bad parent

Volume One.

Don't get sick. Don't get so sick that you let your child watch whatever captivates her on TV. Certainly don't let that thing she watches be Jurassic Park. Don't let her get comfortable in front of the tube.

Don't let her get a snack out of the diaper bag and say "wooooaahhh!!!" as she watches dinosaurs roaring, running and eating human beings off of toilets.

Don't let her practice new clawing skills on daddy's face when he volunteers to feed her.

Volume Two.

Don't let your toddler take a late nap. Don't forget to change her diaper before the nap. Don't let her sleep so late that she wakes up within minutes of when you need to leave the house for a birthday party. Don't even think about cursing under your breath as you realize you need to change her entire outfit because you forgot to do the diaper thing before the nap thing. Don't rush her through dinner because you spent so much time getting her dressed and then promise that she can "fill up on cupcakes at the birthday party to make up for this."

Don't let her attack her cupcake with the direct force equal to a jackhammer. Don't encourage the bad behavior so she goes on to steal her cousin's cupcake. And definitely don't laugh when she does something naughty (like pilfering cupcakes).

Got it?

OK but really, don't judge the awkward mom laugh and bad filming in this video.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Because it just seems wrong not to acknowledge it

Cameron, if they let you read my blog in heaven (I’m sure they do), know that we love you so. After eight years, we miss you as much as ever. And we are looking forward to seeing you again.

Maybe all babies look alike, but I see a whole lot of Penelope in this photo. It could be that he is about her age in this picture. I think it's that mischievous little smile. And yes, my mom is a total babe.

The classic crazy eyes photo. Nice. (this photo has been cropped to protect those who may look particularly emaciated... like me.)

And, yet again, I resolve to get some new photos of you on my computer. I think I've been saying that on this blog for, what, three years now?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yeah, you're going to want to make this sometime

Really, you are going to want to make this for dinner sometime. It's simple. It requires very few ingredients. It's pretty quick. It's homey and delicious.

And I'm not really a meatball sandwich kind of girl.

You can thank me later. (You will want to thank Pioneer Woman first.)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wishing and hoping

Do you know any mythical creatures that grant you a new wardrobe when Spring finally decides to poke its head around Boise? Maybe the Easter Bunny?

No, he's obviously not concerned with fashion.

Lately, I can't stop drooling over the idea of a new wardrobe. Maybe it's because my body has comfortably settled into its non-pregnant state, but my pre-pregnancy clothes didn't get the memo. They're a bit stretched out and overworked. I got a new outfit for Christmas that I think I have worn about twice a week since then. It is also starting to look overworked at this point.

So I keep dreaming that maybe -- just maybe -- something like this will show up at my house when the sun starts shining.

(Maybe I will be able to tie a big knot on my head like this, too.)

But then again, maybe not.