Monday, February 28, 2011

I blame her father

Most of the time, my baby (also known as my entire life, if you couldn't tell by this blog in the last year) is perfectly sweet. Seriously adorable.
four-second proof of sweetness.

But then she will have a night like tonight. Where she screams during her diaper change. Screams in her high chair through all of dinner and refuses to eat her food. Pees on the floor while I am getting her ready for the bath. Screams through the whole bath. Pees in my face (how is that physically possible?!?) while I'm trying to get her dressed. Screams through story time. Burps so hard she throws up her antibiotics all over me.

Then she calms down just enough to give me a cute kiss good night. (I think that's her evolutionary survival mechanism kicking in.)

And on nights like this, I am left wondering: Where did this sometimes-curly-haired little beast come from?


melissa said...

yikes i'm kind of terrified for calvin's first ear infection so you acting like it's no big deal seems very brave to me.

also, since it's more expected with boys, when calvin pees all over everything i can't help thinking it's really funny. super mature, mom.

melissa said...

ps i wanted to amend my comment a long time ago to say that i'm sorry i always answer your posts about penelope with comments about calvin.