Thursday, March 4, 2010

maternal ramblings: volume I

my mom always told me that being a mother is the best way to learn charity. since she is an expert on this mothering business, i knew she was on to something. but for some reason, i blocked out the "learn" portion of this statement, and assumed that charity just comes innately the moment a baby is born.

penelope's delivery was actually better than i had expected. i spent so much time psyching myself out over the terror of a c-section that i had made it out to be much worse than it was. sure, being paralyzed, mostly naked and strapped to a table in a room full of strangers is a bit unsettling. but as soon as jesse got to come into the room with me, it was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. (this was the first of a million times i have asked myself how in the world some people do this on their own.) i will never forget the doctor's remarks during the surgery "wow, that is a lot of hair." "that is a really big baby." "how big of an incision do you think you need to make to get a baby that big out? AS BIG AS I JUST MADE IT!" (i imagine he was mentally high-fiving and chest-bumping his surgical team during the final comment.)

when i saw penelope's little face, i started laughing and crying at the same time. and the weirdest thing? i snorted. twice. i never snort. i have never felt so overwhelmed with joy in my life.

and while overall the experience has been 90 percent bliss, it's been difficult. people tried to warn me that the first few weeks of having a baby are hard. and i (mostly) believed them. but i had no clue.


so far, i spend much of my time at home feeling like my life is oddly akin to groundhog day. the same thing over and over again. maddening. exhausting. desperately searching for some kind of relief. a combination of constant feedings, diaper changings, need to rest and recover and nearly total isolation (in an attempt to avoid exposing the baby to the joy of RSV season) isn't always a flattering fit for me. i have been known to devolve into what jesse and i refer to as "that crazy lady" that takes over my body.

luckily, i have received such thoughtfulness from other people. meals, visits, phone calls, gifts. it's been unreal. my dear sister even spent an entire afternoon in my bed with me after i passed out and was instructed by the husband that i wouldn't be going anywhere that day.

these acts of charity have begun to show me what it means to be a mother. selfless, patient and loving to no end. the selfless and patient part are still slow coming. but when i look at this little thing, the loving portion is completely effortless.

here's to working toward the rest of the combination.


Stephanie said...

what a well written piece of truth as i balance asher on my lap with one hand so he can nurse and type with the other hand! sounds like something out of my own heart too. i love you and your new babe so very much!

Jones Family said...

I love that you snorted! That made me laugh. She sure is a cute one though!

Ali said...

I think the term "ground hog day" truly encapsulates what those first six weeks (if not longer) are like.

I love how honest you were as I too can relate to the sentiments you shared. I was a total crazy lady and sadly she still resurfaces on occasion. If you need a time filler, I'd love to chat with you on the phone!

Transitioning from social lady in the work force to an isolated stay at home Mom was kind of like culture shock... you love that baby to pieces but its a total adjustment. Your freedom comes back piece by piece, but the world will forever be enhanced because Miss Penelope is in it.

Jetta said...

so well said. Know you're not alone in the adjustment. Penelope is lucky.

Monte and Brittany said...

i love this post. and your daughter is absolutly gorgeous! a perfect mix in my opinion!

melissa said...

becca. i know i have no idea what you're talking about. but i love it.

Audra said...

Newborns are so hard! They are precious little angels from heaven but they truly test us! I am in love with her! When can I visit? Good luck with the recovery, soon she will be older and life regains some normalcy!

Diana said...

she is so, so cute. as for me, i found out the older they get, the crazier i get. you're doing a great job, just hang in there partner.

Audie said...

After reading your post, I'm sitting here thinking about Jovie's birth (4 years ago tomorrow!) and remembering the laughter and the tears when I got to see and hold her.
I know what you're going through. It gets kind of hard at times but having that little baby to snuggle makes up for it!

Carrie said...

I love this. And Penelope is really really beautiful. You make me excited (and tired) to have my own little darling in a few weeks.

Ryan and Janelle said...

Great post :) She's very lovely. Hope you can move away from Groundhog day soon! :)

Blake Jones said...

Hey It's Jenny (Davis) Jones. I found your blog through Julie's. Your daughter is beautiful. I was reading the other day about love and service and realized it is those we serve the most who we come to love the most and that is so true with our kids and husbands. I'm sure you are an awesome mom.