Monday, March 15, 2010

ides of march comes again

today we have been thinking about penelope's uncle cameron. seven years ago today we lost him. i know he is doing well, and i have a feeling that he has been keeping a special eye on penelope. (he loves babies, you know.)

(which seems fitting since he was once a baby, too)

rather than focus on the loss of my ridiculous, hilarious, head-strong brother, i have been trying to remember all the tender mercies the lord has given me as a result of this experience. a greater sense of compassion for those who experience loss. an even more tender heart. a heightened appreciation for my family. a wonderful husband who brought me home a candy bar as my "ides of march" treat. an intense gratitude for eternal families.

most importantly, i have received (and continue to receive) a deep appreciation for the Savior.

i'm not feeling particularly articulate today (i am going to blame this on the new mom brain that has replaced my old thinking unit), so i will just share a quote that i have learned to be so very true (thanks, aunt lynda, for bringing it to my attention again!)

"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."

--Joseph B. Wirthlin.

we love and miss you, cameron. in your honor, i will try not to take myself too seriously this week and down a couple of root beers, too. but i don't plan on ordering the shrimp and steak combo for breakfast. that is just going a little too far.

(i also resolve to get more pictures of cameron on my computer...)


Nana D said...

Thank you for remembering him. I love you, mom

Ali said...

I can't believe it's been seven years. Oh Becca, your tributes to him are always so moving. What a comforting quote. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Sending all my love to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

love you boo. once again, you have done a great job of remembering cameron in a very fitting way.

Anonymous said...

love you boo. once again, you have done a great job of remembering cameron in a very fitting way.

Christopher said...


I know I don't often comment on your blog, but I wanted to say that I appreciate you always posting on the Ides. I just do my best not to turn into a blathering idiot on March 15th, at least not more of a blathering idiot than I usually am. :)

PS Please feel free to send me some pictures of Cameron. I am ever impressed by the number of them that you seem to have.

Stephanie said...

i always think of you and him this whole week every year. and i always will. love you!

Audie said...

So sweet!

melissa said...

goodness, i know what you mean about the pictures. i have baby pictures of jocelyn, but they don't count. (although that baby picture you posted is pretty awesome.)

xxoo ide-sharer

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post, Becca---it was a GREAT way to start my day...but more importantly, it touched my soul.

btw...motherhood really suits you.

love you so much!

your cuz,



Your gift of writing is so appreciated. Thank you for sharing your insights and thoughts. They go straight to my heart! I love you.