Tuesday, December 22, 2009

feminine taming of the boo

ever wonder what happened to all that knowledge women during the victorian period must have done something with? (other than gossiping and setting up fortuitous marriages, of course.)

i just discovered it: embroidery. i mentioned my passing interest in embroidery to my mother in law, who just happened to have a copy of the complete encyclopedia of stitchery that she has given me on loan. i have decided i am going to give it a try. i tell you only because i know you will hold this confession in the strictest confidence. and you (hopefully) won't laugh at me. and you will hold me accountable to actually make something.

and because patterns like these little guys make me really excited.


Stephanie said...

oh that is very exciting indeed! i suck at it, but love to see what others can do.

Jil said...

man, those hormones are making you all sorts of extra crafty! once you master the skill can i make some requests for myself.

B said...

I love that pattern and I am all for trying new things, unless it's a new thing you don't want to do. I can't wait to see how it goes.