Wednesday, September 16, 2009

sometimes a girl just needs a pair of good jeans -- and other reasons to have sisters

dear sister:

thanks for appreciating the excitement of my first haircut in four months. i don't know what i'd do if you couldn't experience such small thrills with me on a regular basis.

i have been quietly celebrating your big victory all day. here's to hoping that soon we can both feel comfortable in real pants.

until then, i remain your constant friend in track pants.



melissa said...

you looked pretty killer in the jeans you were wearing the other weekend. i'm just saying.

Stephanie said...

hehe- just a blurry image- no hair cut. but it's sweaty around here so i am considering going short!

but YOU got a hair cut! congrats (that's a big HUGE deal around here)

and what am i supposed to think when i read a comment like melissas??? did you get together. boo hoo. sometimes i hate hawaii (sort of) but I hate that i didnt get to meet up too!!!!!

Carrie said...

Bah. I'm here to commiserate every track panted step of the way.

Jil said...

dear sister:
your phone call totally made my day. the joy of it carried me all the way through a tiresome evening. sisters are the bestest! keep on growing your cute little wiggler. charlie has started wiggling in the crawling form this week! he's everywhere!

boo face mcjones said...

melissa: hey, thanks! they're the only pair of pants i can still fit into comfortably (in fact, i am wearing them right now)

steph: we DID get together, and it was nice, but it would have been so lovely if we could have all been there. we really will make that happen SOME day, right?

carrie: it's so nice to know i'm in lovely company. thanks.

jil: just love. that's all i have right now.

Jetta said...

"real" pants are so highly over-rated... really...