maternity pants are not all hideous. they are not all flattering. but they are so comfortable. i should have done this years ago.
peanut butter captain crunch cereal is absolutely delicious.
if you are four months pregnant, and you wear your old clothes to the gym, sometimes your belly sticks out when you move rapidly. and that is, apparently, not attractive.
sometimes ten-year-olds in primary will answer a question about preparing to share the gospel with the statement "yeah, but all my friends are mormon, so this doesn't really apply to me." well, i guess that's one approach.
six-day work weeks are not very much fun. thank heavens for a day of rest.
life isn't perfect, but sometimes i forget about the amazing compensation the lord has given me. i hope ya know that i have learned it is so true. (and i hope you will watch the video about it)
at the end of a six-day work week, you might get a letter from one of your sweet, ten-year-old primary children telling you how excited they are that you're having a baby. and it might make you a little emotional.
i should have never found this web site.
BEST OF ALL: my bff is coming home this weekend. (i can't wait!)
and there is one thing i will learn in three weeks:
whether this little critter taking up more space in my body is a boy or girl. i have my suspicions. (but we are so excited either way.)