Thursday, March 12, 2009

i miss you

dear friend (you know who you are),

hope ya know that i think of you often.

remember when we met? you weren't really sure about me at first -- i was a little awkward, a little insecure, a little ... much -- but you gave me a chance. i like to think that the risk paid off. you found me when i really needed you.

a list of thanks:

thanks for seeing my good qualities and loving them
thanks for seeing my bad qualities and loving me anyway
thanks for giving me that ridiculous nickname
thanks for our inside jokes
thanks for understanding that i am always trying
thanks for making me laugh so hard i cried
thanks for making me laugh when i can't stop crying
thanks for the long lunch dates
thanks for remembering the little things that mean everything to me
thanks for forgiving me when i am late (again) at remembering yours
thanks for reading this list even though it's totally cliche
thanks for understanding how sincerely i mean it all

i know i don't get to see you as often as i would like. and sometimes i don't get to see you at all. but i carry you with me. these days i find myself feeling like i need a friend more than ever, but then i remember i have you. can't you sense how happy make me?

like when you visited me in a city where i knew no one...

and taught me that i deserve to be really loved...
and shared a once in a lifetime trip with me (and then let me steal the photos off of your blog...)
and spent so much of your time cracking me up...
and stole my heart everytime you smiled...
and made me wish that i were as dedicated as you are (even though you might not be a real person...)
and know that this letter is addressed to you even if i didn't have a picture of you on my computer...

frankly, you make me ME. and i like me. thanks.

so even though i wrote for nine straight hours today at work, i owe it to you to drop a line. just to let you know that one of god's greatest graces is that he lets us have friends. and you may not believe it, but i didn't get that from a hallmark card.
with love...


Ali said...

I loved this post. It was beautifully written. By the way - you're layout is amazing.

Angie said...

love your new blog layout/background.

word on the street has it you'll be cutting your hair very soon. you better post pictures, or else ...

Christopher said...


You have a real gift. You know that?

B said...

dearest boo,

I really do think and feel all the things that you mentioned. Not because i am great, or even a great friend, but because you are. Let me also remind you that i loved right from the start. You were my kind or girl and i knew it. I have always been sure about you.
This post made me teary eyed partly due to the beautiful writing and mostly due to how much i miss you. You filled such a friendship void in me and i love you dearly. You once wrote me a letter to help encourage and cheer me up. Remember it? It had 341 by Emily Dickinson in it. You wrote it years ago and probably without a thought but i still have it. you should know I keep it with my scriptures and my journal and read it almost every Sunday. It always makes me feel encouraged and loved and home. thank you for all your friendship. Thank you for being you. i like you and i miss you.

Unknown said...

oh you are great.

and i like the picture of jesse chasing you... such an action shot. i seem to remember an ANTM episode with the girls running from the fashion witch on the treadmill.