Monday, November 3, 2008

i am suddenly itchy everywhere

and i haven't blogged in a while.

my illness is now just an occassional cough (hooray!)
my halloween was a family affair
my life is lacking pictures, so you will have to settle for the cliff's notes
my job is getting busy, busy, busy
my two-year wedding anniversary is getting oh-so-close--speaking of which,
my husband is oh-so-busy
my last follow-up class for my MA is on saturday--then i can finally hang that diploma they sent me in the mail
my heart is full of gratitude for having a charmed life

and yet, somehow, TONIGHT

my heart is troubled over the future of our country that will be determined tomorrow. after months and months of contemplation, analysis, discussion with my brilliant husband, and prayer, i am still conflicted on the big national vote (you know, that one involving the oblong office). however, i do hope that the good people of california will vote honorably.


Stephanie said...

i itch constantly. mostly on my legs. and i use weird things like remotes to scratch that itching and thomas is disgusted.

im excited to vote tomorrow (mostly so all the craziness will be OVER finally) and i used to like both candidates, until one got a certain intollerable lady to run with him- now my vote is sealed. :)

glad to hear the dear boo is getting better!

boo face mcjones said...

ugh, i agree with you on the lady. no need to get into SUPER detail right now, but that is my HUGE stumbling block for a certain candidate.

Jil said...

I have to say I've gotten a ton of forwards about Prop 8, most of which annoying and overly emotional. I really liked that U-Tube video. Why can't all people inform like you do.

melissa said...

oh i didn't want to vote today. but i did, and i feel better about it. we're all going to be o-k, no matter which.

Audra said...

Random question: Is you dad Bart Davis? Anyway, I tagged you on my blog.

Andrea said...

yay! you finished your presentation on saturday and NOW can hang up your hard-earned diploma. i wonder if we'd view our degree differently if we weren't TAs that had to balance educating others while we waded through our own theory texts and research papers.

congratulation-- and please keep me posted about you walking in december.