Friday, August 29, 2008

stop the insanity!

this week has been an incredibly exciting one in the world of today's politics. i don't know about you, but the husband and i have greatly enjoyed spending the time listening to the promises made by candidates in what is starting to look like one of the most interesting presidential races i will ever experience in my lifetime. while i have so appreciated the discussion on matters that hit me close to home--the need for affordable healthcare, funding for higher education, and soothing the turbulent economy--i feel that there is one issue that has been largely ignored: the jonas brothers.

i guess i'm just getting really old and cranky, but i don't understand the appeal of the jonas brothers. i wanted to like them based on their name--i feel that my own last name is close enough that we share some kind of bond that only those whose five-letter last names begins with a J and ends with an S can understand, and it certainly doesn't hurt that Weezer has given their last name a certain amount of coolness. yet, i can't see why freckly girls with fresh acne all around the country talk about nothing but the three awkward brothers. they aren't that attractive, they are annoying to listen to when they speak, and that difficulty increases exponentially once they pull out their display instruments and feign music making. i was content to sit by and let them continue to make a mockery of the title of musician, but it seems that my time as an apathetic bystander has passed.

you see, it's not that i feel a need to seek out opportunities to comment on how the upcoming generation is mindless and tasteless (though there is likely a wealth of information to support such arguments--please see katy parry's "i kissed a girl" for one such source of evidence), but i have been assaulted time and again by the horror that is the jonas brothers' cover of the beatles' classic "hello, goodbye" (please see video Exhibit A below). listen, i like target and the "hello, good-buy" mentality within the facility as much as the next gal, but the auditory assault that is the whiny voices of the pre-pubsecent brothers has become too much. while watching my morning episode of what not to wear (an unemployed gal has to fill her time however she can), the target commercial featuring said song played no less than seven times. in response, i make a call to all who read my blog (that's right, all seven of you): STOP THE INSANITY.

while i recognize that the vast number of young girls in the world who dream of the day that one of the jonas brothers will blow into their small town, whisk them right out of their retainer, and love them with a force that not even danielle steele could have foreseen see these over-manufactured attempts at contending with musical greats as a sign of certain musical greatness that the jonas brothers possess, i feel a message needs to be sent. if the beatles classic were intended to be as whiny as performed by aforementioned teen sensations, then John Lennon would have performed it thus himself. and he would have done it much better. for proof, see exhibit B: John Lennon showing the kids how the big boys do things.

i feel much better now that my grievance with a group of young teens is completely off my chest, and i hope to have your support as i seek to fight the influence of terrible music in the lives of america's next generation. i appreciate your support on this urgent issue.


Stephanie said...

i really ccouldnt agree more. it's as if we are two bodies and one mind.

and their hair. the hair styles. the time they must put into it.

one day i was faithfully watching ellen (around the time of her 50th birthday i believe) and they were on and she wanted one of them to wear this helmet she had made them and it was really awkward because he was visibly shaken and uncomfortable about his "just-so" hair being in a state of uncertainty after the helmet was removed.

and youre right, amby is a boy now instead of a baby. i try not to think of it too much, he may start wanting his hair "just so" and ruining beatles songs.

Stephanie said...

try to ignore all the typos in my comment. it was typed in a fit of passionate disgust and it is late. :)

boo face mcjones said...

ah! the hair! so right you are. steph, i'm glad that i have a supporter other than jesse on the issue.

as for amby, he seems far too intelligent to give into the pressures of the jonas brothers. fret not.

Andrea said...

i don't know if i've heard a song by the jonas brothers, but you know the best things come in 3's. (actually, i have no idea if that's true, but i thought it sounded sarcastic.)

speaking as someone who listens to ashlee simpson on a daily basis (with 4/5 of the top 5 "most played" songs on my ipod being ashlee songs), i do think that AT LEAST america's youth can focus on a band that isn't known for a sex tape, drug arrests, or wanting to be "sexy" at 15.

Diane said...

Which is worse? The Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus? Or Miley Cyrus doing duets with the Jonas Brothers? They all make me sick to my stomach.

When are you going to post photos of your new digs?

Unknown said...

Here, here, consider me another supporter in the fight against insanity that is lead by said brothers.

Ali said...

Bring back Hanson ...mmmmmmm Bop ... baby. I am SO LUCKY that was my generation (ha ha - kidding. please know that I'm kidding).

Everyone's looking for someone to worship, the Jonas Brothers are having their 15 minutes. This too shall pass.

Christopher said...

I concur …

Angie said...

ah the jo bros. i cant say i like any of their songs.

Annie said...

i still laugh at when dad and i were watching a music video award. the jonas brothers came on and one of them tripped. dad and i watched that part about four times. good times.