Wednesday, August 20, 2008

i'll spare you the metaphors about being tagged...

do you feel that more insight is totally necessary to understand the inner workings of yours truly? would, oh say, six random facts about myself lighten your spirits? dying to know six completely random items about me? thanks to my cyberfriend diana (not as creepy as it sounds... well, maybe it is) here you have it:

1. i was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at the age of 20. not so juvenile. this disease worried me greatly until my doctor happily informed me that i can still eat whatever i want. and i do. i guess you could call that a score on the chronic disease front.
2. i'm really average, but i like to pretend i'm not. i have an average face and an average name (seriously, i moved from davis to jones. i tell jesse that i hope in the next life we get to be smiths). there's nothing wrong with being average, but i get really sick of hearing "oh my gosh, do you have any sisters that live in des moines, iowa? because you look exactly like..." or "hey, are you related to any macphees? because you look just like a macphee" or, my all-time favorite discussion with a byu-idaho locker room worker, "hey, tiffany, i didn't see you in our class last night. where were you?" "umm... i'm not tiffany. as you can probably see by the student ID card i just handed you that clearly lists my name as rebecca." "are you sure?" i know they all mean well, but it irks.

3. i'm still unemployed. don't let anyone fool you into thinking that a Master's degree somehow increases your chances of getting a job. it's bullocks.

4. my husband and i just moved into a three bedroom house in pocatello--hence my absence from the blogosphere. the house is old but cool. and i found it on craigslist. and i ended up knowing the girl who listed it on craigslist from byu-idaho. and it's only $10 more a month than our previous one bedroom shack in boise. score.

5. i love french fries, but i don't eat any part of a french fry that looks suspect. if it is nasty brown colored, disfigured from burning, or incredibly soggy, i bite around it and throw the unfit remains in the garbage.

6. i have the world's greatest family, particularly my two nieces and seven nephews. yep, seven (well, the seventh will be popping out in december). apparently we can only produce males in our family.

and because i am really bad at including photos for my posts, here is a real-time photo of myself (seriously, i just took it for all of you) in case you forgot what i look like...
alright, i tag... libby, jil, jesse (mostly because your blog is really lame these days, dearest), and diane. cheers!


Stephanie said...

well how delightful. i liked those facts. and i liked that photo and i wish i could move to pocatello (not just because i could rent a house at a good price, but to see you!).

Ali said...

Becca, I'm a total wannabe of your average-ness. I'd give anything for an average last name. The name *Flegal, sounds like your sneezing.

You look super gorgeous in that photo. If I took an "on the spot" photo right now, I'd lose friends.

melissa said...

hey, you have a house? that's really grown-up of you, boo. (not as grown-up as having a job, but one step at a time.) (by the way, your jobless state is not encouraging me to have a better attitude about my pending degree. thanks a lot.)(i think the phrase "by the way" makes the above parentheses reduntant, but who cares at this point in my english career?)

Auntie M said...

perhaps a future blog with photos of the new home-sweet-home. Like one of you and jesse in front of the front door.
By the way, cant you find a different phrase than "popping out"
As always, your loving auntie!!!

diana palmer said...

cute photo.

i'm fascinated by our claim to averageness. when i first met stephanie in hawaii, she thought we kind of looked alike...

B said...

I don't think you are at all average but maybe i am biased. when i first met you i was happy to find you one of the furthest people from the norm. good call on taggin jones, he clearly needs a little blogging encouragement.