Saturday, December 29, 2007

what boo did for her christmas vacation

you may have been wondering where i've been, and i can't say i blame you. well, like many of you, my life as of late has been filled with the wonderful hustle and bustle that is Christmas. it was wonderful on so many levels, and i had a really great blog planned out to talk about how much i love having an entire season dedicated to celebrating the birth and life of Jesus Christ (trust me, it was really touching).

however, since arriving back in scenic boise, i have recently been down with a wonderful case of the stomach flu. i don't recommend it.

i have to say that i blame it entirely on my friend andrea johnson, who astutely observed my body's psychosomatic connection to breaks from school. this semester, i had three breaks from school: labor day, thanksgiving, and now christmas. allow me to break it down:

labor day: severe chest cold.
thanksgiving: serious issues with my insulin pump led to poor sleep and severe headaches that had me down for a couple of days.
christmas: worst stomach flu ever (we don't need to get into the details, but you would concur if i were to tell you about it).

interstingly enough, these are the ONLY three times i have been sick this semster. why is my body so averse toward being on BREAK from school? i believe this may be one of the worst cases of nerdery in the history of nerddom.

don't cry for me, though. in the past few days i have been able to watch a marathon of what not to wear along with the fine films the karate kid, hook, and ET on television. hopefully in a couple days i'll be up on my feet again (without that whole nausea thing).

carry on, friends.


Andrea said...

thanks for the shout-out; i have to admit that i'm pretty astute. =)

sorry that you're sick. feel better! stacy and clinton have that magical healing touch-- you're in good hands. vh1 is streaming america's next top model (the "super modelathon") all next week. yay!

what color is your ipod nano?

melissa said...

sorry becca, that's the pits. i hope your body gets used to the idea that you won't be in school forever. well, probably not.

Ali said...

I love when you post Becca. I thought the paper you had mentioned in your previous entry might have done you in. I am glad that isn't the case, but am sorry that your body decided to break down on Christmas. As for my Christmas affliction - do you know what U.T.I. (misery, misery) stands for? If not, google it. Thank you instacare and thank you 24 hour, 365 days a year Riteaid for the medication!

B said...

Boo I am so sorry to hear about the flu. But I think that what not wear is the perfect solution to all kinds of ills.

Stephanie said...

thomas is the same way- every break from work recently has been ridden with disease. hope you're feeling better wee one!