Monday, July 23, 2007

apparently the real boo isn't so cool

life gets a little slow here in boise, and now that i've finished the harry potter series, i've had to develop a new hobby to keep myself occupied. i chose reinventing myself (you know, like madonna). a few demonstrations:

bootylicious. as a white girl in idaho, i've always held exotic dreams of walking down some ghetto-fabulous street surrounded by whispered awes of "baby got back." i figured stuffing my rear-end with washcloths and modeling for jesse was pretty much the same thing.

crazed homemaker. let's be honest, as a newly married lds girl, there is an unspoken level of pressure to become a perfect homemaker. i haven't had time to perfect green jello with carrots or even to make some glass grapes, but i did venture so far as to make a pie. however, i think that the stress is getting a little too close to pushing me over the edge (examine the eyes for further proof). i may have to just revert to microwaving corndogs.

hermione granger. i wanted to be ginny weasley more than most anything i have wanted in my life. however, i lack the skill to properly apply hair color spray. it took me four hours to scrub said spray off of my bathroom floor, kitchen sink, and even out of my ears. in a moment of panic before our midnight magic party, i chose to go as hermione granger. after reading the last book and recognizing her rocktasticness, i am ok with the decision. i still have redhead envy, though.


melissa said...

i am physically unable to comment on your booty.

you look so good with your hair like that! is it longer? (duh, stupid me)

you already finished harry potter?? man, i was just telling my mom what a nerd she was for doing that, but now it seems so cool. i'm going to have to call my mom back and beg forgiveness. xxoom

Angie said...

i think you make a great Hermione Granger AND i must admit, even though you might hate me after this confession, I like Hermione much better than Ginny.

Stephanie said...

if you could just add our trilogy of how-to's (spooning enthusiasts eat your heart out!) to that then you would truly be the spud state renaissance woman- but i must say that i was enthralled with your metamorphosis. can't week to see next weeks boo at the rate you're going.

rachel garber said...

i have to agree, after reading this last book, hermione is growing on me rapidly. although, ginny will always hold the highest level of grandure in my eyes.

Ali said...

But let's be honest... that kiss between Ginny and Harry was hot. How could you not want to be her?

Grifter said...

"examine the eyes"...not without laughter