Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The H-moon

So, I have about a million things to do for school today, I am in serious need of going to the gym, I haven't even showered for the day, and I have work in a couple of hours. One may wonder, "well, how do you plan to reconcile these priorities most efficiently?" The answer is quite simle: I am going to somewhat update my blog.

I was going through some pictures this morning, and I got particularly excited about looking at our honeymoon pictures. It was three months ago, but I felt like reliving it today. We went to Seattle for the short H-moon, and we had a gay old time. Our entire trip consisted mostly of eating (since the wedding was over, I felt justified to do nothing but eat all the time and to eat absolutely whatever I want), but we ended up doing a few things that justified the occassional picture... Most of them are of us eating or at restaurants after having consumed food. You get the point...

Anyway, we won't be leaving the house for quite a while, so I wanted to illustrate that we occassionally travel.

You can't tell, but we are in front of the book store I will own one day.
We don't really have views like this in Boise.

Pike's place. Looking at food.

Waiting for food.

I took Jonesy to a basketball game. I tried to act interested, but let's face it, the only interesting thing are the people that come out and jump on trampolines at half-time, right?


melissa said...

Hooray, you blog! I feel like such a kindred spirit with your basketball comment. I've tried to revitalize my interest in sports lately, but it's no use. You look hot in glasses. 23.

Stephanie said...

Alright! I thought I'd take a chance and see if your blog was updated today and it most certainly was! I LOVE THE PHOTOS! You do indeed look hot hot hot in those glasses. You two make a great pair.