Sunday, April 8, 2007

Per Bitty's Advice

jesse and i had our first easter all by our lonesomes. originally we were going to have some friends come visit, but bitty's health simply would not allow her to travel the distance. i'm not gonna lie; i was a little bummed out that we didn't get to be with our families and friends, but luckily bitty was wonderful enough to suggest a perfect easter activity. following her advice, jesse hid diet beverages around our apartment for an easter hunt. he also documented the entire hunt with photographs. i don't really understand what hiding eggs around a house has to do with Christ's resurrection, and i'm fairly certain that hiding diet beverages around the house didn't increase my understanding of Christ either, but it was a gay old time. i also realized why people always want to have kids around holidays: pictures of adults searching for things in a living room really aren't that fun to look at. nevertheless, i am posting some of ours. i hope that everyone had a lovely holiday--i know that i did.
one hiding position for the diet wild cherry pepsi
jesse kept telling me that i was RIGHT at the last one, but i couldn't see it. i became forlorn. if you look carefully, you can actually see the can in the window sill.

hooray! happy easter for all, and diet pepsi for me!


Stephanie said...

that was mostly enjoyable because I feel like I got a good look at your apartment and your stylish outfit! way to go- way to hunt!

melissa said...

see what i mean about not being old people. you're cool.

boo face mcjones said...

i'm so glad that you don't think i've become a frumpy, old person (you didn't say frumpy, but i needed to hear that i'm not frumpy, so i threw it in there, and i feel that the "stylish" comment satisfies the requirement!).